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Maintainers manual

Below you find some instructions on how to perform the basic maintenance of the website. We hope that this is useful and for new maintainers to get started and help with the on-boarding. If you are interested in how the website generator works, want to add new features to that part, please have a look at the Wiki in the GitHub repo.


If you are a maintainer and have questions, please do not hesitate to ask any other maintainer. We are happy to help and guide you through the process.

And one final note: If you are reading this, and you are currently not a maintainer but want to become one, please get in touch with us as well! We are always looking for new excited people to help with the website, the database, etc.

Add a scheme received by e-mail

If you have received a scheme by e-mail, there are two possibilities:

  1. The json file is given inline (inside the e-mail body):
  2. Copy the content below the separator line
  3. Create a new file with .json file ending
  4. The json file is attached to the e-mail:
  5. Download the attachment

Now you can go to the submission mask and upload the file via Load config file button. Then go ahead and submit via GitHub and review the pull request as described below.

Review a pull request for scheme addition

After a scheme is submitted as an issue, a pull request (PR) is automatically generated. All open pull requests can be found here. Once a pull request is opened, the new .json file is added to the database and the website is automatically re-generated. The new website is then added to the pull request by the bot.

The first thing to check for a maintainer is the PR summary, e.g.:

PR summary example PR summary example

This information will be given at the top of the PR. Here, we can see the following information:

  • Which scheme is added? The file is fe-001.json, which will create the Fe-1 page.
  • Who submitted the scheme?
  • Which issue is linked to the scheme? Merging the PR will automatically close this issue.

For discussions with the original submitter, you should use the issue that triggered this PR.

The next step in the PR is to check the changes on the website. To do so, go to the bottom where the checks are. This section should look like this:

PR checks example PR checks example

Make sure that there is only one check from readthedocs as displayed here. If two checks are there or checks are in orange (still running), wait until the checks are finished. To see the draft website, click on Details in the readthedocs check. Then make sure that the website looks as expected, especially the newly added scheme (here Fe-1).

If the website has issues, you have two options:

  • Fix them manually by editing the .json file in the PR.
  • Ask the submitter to fix the issues and update the PR.

You can also discuss with the submitter if there are open questions or if there is something that needs to be clarified.


If checks fail, something looks off that has nothing to do with the new scheme, please add Reto to the PR and/or issue by posting a comment and mentioning him with @trappitsch.

Once everything looks great, you can merge the PR by clicking the Squash and merge button. This will merge the PR into the main branch, close the issue, and deploy the modified website.

Add / Edit a static site

The website is generated using mkdocs. All pages of the documentation are hosted in the docs folder.


Do not edit anything in the docs/schemes folder directly. All the files in this folder are generated automatically by the website generating python code.

All static pages, like, e.g., this one, can be modified directly and then commited again to the repository.

Please always create a pull request to add new pages or edit existing ones. This ensures that the website generator is run and changes are checked.

Manually trigger a rebuild

If something went wrong and the page was not rebuilt even though it should have been, document the problem in an issue. Then, you can manually trigger a rebuild by going to the Actions and click on the Rebuild the whole website (manual dispatch). Then trigger the rebuild by clicking on Run workflow -> Run workflow. This will re-create the whole page and create a PR that should pass. Review the PR and, if all is good, merge it into the main branch.

Advanced: Edit / optimize an existing scheme

If you want/need to edit an existing scheme, you can do so by editing the according .json file in the db/ folder. Apply your changes to the database file.

Important: You must also delete the associated file in docs/schemes/ELEMENT/. Otherwise, the website will not be updated correctly.

Why does the website not update correctly?

The reason for this is that the website generator checks for existing element / scheme files. If they are present, the generator will not update / recreate them. This saves a lot of time when adding schemes to the website, which is the most common use case. However, if you edit a scheme, you must delete the associated file to trigger a rebuild of this specific scheme.

After you have edited the .json file and deleted the associated .md file, commit the changes to a new branch and create a pull request. Then you can follow the steps above to review the PR and merge it.