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Ba scheme 2


Used at: MELISSA

Used: offline

Notes: 1st step compared with alternative at 25704.12 /cm. The used one seems to be slightly better both in overall signal and saturation behavior if non-resonant ionization is applied on top.

With this 1st step, AIs were scanned in a range from 24200 to 26100/cm. Strongest peaks were directly compared afterwards and the chosen one identified as providing highest enhancement.

The 1st step was compared to the stronger transition on 350nm as used in the previous scheme, both with 1.4W of non-resonant ionization at 24608 cm-1. A similar performance was indicated and saturation behavior a lot more favorable for 350nm as expected, but comparable ion source conditions could not be ensured. A direct comparison is planned.

Potentially polarization dependent. J value of AI unknown.

First transition: Saturation ~900 mW

Second transition: Saturation ~1.4 W


Ionization Potential: 42034.910 cm⁻¹ (NIST ASD, 2024)
Lasers used: Ti:Sa

Scheme table

Step λ (nm) From (cm⁻¹) Term To (cm⁻¹) Term Strength (s⁻¹)
1 413.359 0.00 6s2 1S0 24192.04 5d6p 3D1 1.5 × 106
2 406.534 24192.04 5d6p 3D1 48790.24 AI

Scheme drawing

ba scheme, light mode ba scheme, dark mode

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Submitted by

Reinhard Heinke